
serve Christ and
learn about missions
by being an intern
Prepare to make a difference! Not only will you have an awesome personal experience, but you'll become a life-changing influence in the lives of many.
We have four different programs based on what you're looking for. Each has a slightly different dynamic and depends on when and how long you'll be joining us. They are designed for you to come alongside us with your gifting and passions; whether you're preparing to go into full-time ministry or just wanting to take a season to serve God overseas.

(June - August)
Three month commitment designed for you to help us with our summer-camp ministry and as we host mission teams that come during this time. Due to the dynamics of organizing camps and hosting teams, this internship is fast paced and non-stop activity. This is a great opportunity to come, serve and be part of the team during a time when much help is needed.
(January - March) or
(September - November)
Three month commitment during either the winter or fall school term. This internship is designed for you to engage in the core components of the ministry at that time, specifically our after-school clubs. Due to the slower pace (compared to summer), this internship will also allow you to catch a glimpse of what regular mission life is like. It's intended for you to spend time with our resident missionaries and their families, and to come alongside them as they live life and minister, to learn from them and work as a team.
(January - September)
Nine month commitment with the option to stay longer. This program is designed to provide the experiences and teaching you'll need to succeed if God calls you into missions. Due to the length of this internship, you'll be involved in many aspects of our ministries throughout various seasons; as well as heavily invested into by our resident missionaries and local pastors.
(1-2 Years)
This opportunity is for those who feel called to join our team as Resident Missionaries but know they are unable to commit to more than two years on the field.

Step One
Check us out, watch the video, read the FAQ's and pray if this is what God really wants you to do and which program is best for what you're looking for
Step two
Click Here to fill out an application and tell us about yourself...

Thoughts From
Past Interns

Jimmy C.

Elissa W.
I can best describe my internship in one word: growth. First off, Grenada is nothing like the United States so it was a time for me to engage, learn and serve in a different culture. But ultimately my time in Grenada was a time of growth with the Lord. It was a time the Holy Spirit used for me to begin to understand His wonderful goodness and amazing love and power. I can't begin to explain just how awesome this internship was, and how important it was for me to answer this call to go. This internship was more than just "an experience"... it was a surrender to God. Through this internship I began the long journey of what it actually means to serve and be used by the Holy Spirit. A letting go of things that didn't belong in the void in my heart, and replacing them with Jesus Christ.
Being an intern was such a great opportunity to learn about culture and ministry. The biggest thing that impacted me was that, being in Grenada, I was removed from all of my American comforts and distractions. And so I had the opportunity to connect and grow with God more than ever before. A lot of that had to do with the fact that I had to trust Him in ways I never really had to before. I also had an unbelievable experience just by living with a missionary family (and the team work and community that comes along with that). One of my favorite aspects of being an intern was being part of a team and connected to a family who is sowing seeds of friendship and love into their community for Christ. It was awesome getting the chance to support and strengthen an ongoing and passionate ministry.

David & Emily C.
Ministering in Grenada changed us completely. It was beyond an awesome experience and we came home with a renewed heart and focus to reach others for Christ and to see God move in mighty ways. The leadership team did a great job mentoring us and providing opportunities for us to learn how to connect with God and minister in His gifts. A big part of the internship was also the cross-cultural training; which radically changed our view of how to successfully serve on the mission field. We love the people of Grenada, the mission, and the lessons we learned. And we are honored to be able to continue to go back because of how deep God has rooted Grenada in our hearts.
What It Costs
There are regular flights to the island but not many options. However, no worries...when the time comes, we'll help you with the booking.
Roundtrip: $900--$1200
Ground Costs *
Includes (but not limited to) trip hosting and organization, ground transportation, food and lodging, travel insurance, etc...
Cost per month: $600
Personal Money
It's up to you how much money you want to bring for souvenirs, gifts, snacks and extra bug spray.

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I guaranteed to be accepted?
No. Acceptance into the program is at the discretion of our leadership. The purpose of the application process is to assess whether we feel there's a fit and match. That said, acceptance is not based on "mad awesome skills" or a supposed "ton of experience" but rather an open heart and willing spirit-- and of course availability.
How do I know if I'm a 'fit and match'?
Ask Yourself: Do I want to come alongside missionaries and help them with their ministries? Do I want to learn what life on the mission field is really like? Do I have a teachable humble spirit and want to have an experience that will prepare me for future success in ministry? If so, then you probably make a fit and match.
If you're looking for your next spiritual adventure... or expect non-stop outdoor activity... or just want to hang out, chill and hit the beach under the pretense of "relational evangelism"... this internship probably isn't for you.
Which Internship is the best?
The better question is: "Which internship is the best for me?" We have four very different programs that each have their own unique dynamic and commitment; however none of them are inherently better than the others. The best program for you depends on what God's laid on your heart, what you hope to get out of your experience and how long you're able to commit. No matter what program you chose you're involvement will be VERY important to us and allow us to minister in ways we couldn't without you.
Are Internships only for future missionaries?
Not at all. Our internships are also a great opportunity if you just want to take a season of your life to serve and minister overseas. The experience and training you'll get will edify your faith and life whether that involves a future in full-time ministry or not. That said, most interns involved in our program are involved because they're preparing for (or deciding about) a future in full-time missions.
If I feel called to missions, Which program is best for me?
Again, the best program for you really depends on what God's laid on your heart, what you hope to get out of your experience and how long you're able to commit. However, (though not exclusive to those going into full-time missions) our Short-Term and Long-Term internships offer extensive field experience and a curriculum designed to equip, train and prepare those who feel called to be a missionary and minister cross-culturally.
What's considered a successful internship?
We determine success by judging 5 factors:
#1... Have you learned and acquired the skills to assimilate into a foreign culture?
#2... Have you learned and acquired the skills to live in unity and work in unity within our community and with other pastors, churches, missionaries and organizations inter-denominationally?
#3... Have you cultivated a servant's heart? In other words, do you appreciate and pursue sacrificing for and serving others?
#4... Generally speaking, are you in a better place spiritually (in your walk with God) than when you arrived?
#5... Have you learned to rely on the Holy Spirit to equip you for ministry, instead of just your own natural strength and gifting?
If at the end of the internship we can affirm these five areas... then we'd say you've successfully completed our program.
What will I be doing? What will my role be?
Simple answer: EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING! Our goal is to give you the experiences and teaching you can draw from later so you succeed in the mission God calls you to. Therefore, we want you to be a student in everything you do whether you're hanging out with people in the village, helping a local pastor, praying with someone, leading worship, teaching a lesson, organizing programs, assisting a mission team or just having coffee with us in our kitchen.
Where will I be living?
We take the safety and wellbeing of our interns very seriously, so you'll live in the home of one of our resident missionary families.
Is Grenada Safe?
Absolutely yes! The island is known for being one of the most safe places for visitors in the world. In fact, Grenada is more safe than any state in the United States. Grenada has also had a stable, continuous and democratic government for over 40 years.
Does Grenada have modern technology?
Have no fear... the wifi is working! 😆
Joking aside, there are aspects of living overseas in a foreign culture that you'll have to adjust to. But your internship is not going to involve you living in "primitive conditions". We have reliable utilities such as clean running water and dependable electricity; and of course internet and cell service.
If I'm interested, what do I do next?
Fill out the application. We will then contact you and have an interview. Afterwards we'll ask you to fill out a more detailed application and then also have at least one more interview.