This fund is not just an act of benevolence, but it is who we are. Caring for those in need is not just core to our ministry but also central to our basic calling as followers of Christ.
-Gerry Keens-Douglas
Help Us and Donate
Grenada 24-7 is a tax-exempt public charity, a non-profit organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible as provided by law of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
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Grenada 24-7
P.O. Box 209
Alexandria, KY 41001
Payable To:
Grenada 24-7
**In Memo**
Cairo Fund
Frequently Asked Questions
What does this fund support?
The Cairo Fund is named after a little boy (born in 2018) whose mother intended to have an abortion but, after a conversation with our resident director in a supermarket, chose to have the child instead. However, the heartbreaking reality is that most families on the island face a daily struggle for survival and, despite making the right decision, she still had to raise and provide for her child amidst all of the same issues and hardships that made her consider abortion in the first place. The calling and challenges helping Cairo and his mother, as well as the realization and burden that there are countless others in her position, led to the formation of this fund.
The Cairo Fund is designed primarily to give hope and support to parents and children during the young formative years of the child’s life. Unlike other benevolence funds that give one-time gifts or temporary help in times of crisis, this fund is intended to be a committed blessing and guide. Ultimately this fund was not formed to only provide basic supplies but to establish a healthy foundation and path for the child’s life; providing opportunities for a future that they otherwise wouldn't have.
Who decides how donations are used?
All funds remain under the exclusive discretion, direction and control of our board of directors. It is they, and they alone, who manage and administer the fund; including but not limited to: recognizing the need, processing the request, considering recommendations and distributing gifts.
How are gifts distributed?
Great question! First and foremost we want to ensure that all recipients feel safe in accepting our help and that it only comes from our sincere care for them; and not that they're being used for some organizational agenda. That's why we make no spectacle of our giving and no ceremony ever accompanies our donations. As well, we never demand or pressure recipients to make their story known, and make it very clear that they are under no obligation to our ministry.
We also want to make sure that we, as an organization, approach gift giving in a wise, culturally appropriate and healthy way. We especially don't want to inadvertently create a culture of dependence with our giving. To avoid this, we never give support in the form of money as a source of regular income. All disbursements from The Cairo Fund are made directly to the 3rd-party individual or company providing the goods or services for the benefit of the parent and child. And in some circumstances we don't even identify ourselves as the giver; instead distributing our gifts through a local church or school.
Are these donations different than others?
Yes. Donating to The Cairo Fund designates your donation specifically to that ministry. Whereas money raised in the general budget is dispersed to run all the many ministries of our organization.
Can I get photos of when you use my donation?
Yes and no... We have lots of photos showing all facets of the ministry. In fact, we post many of our photos here on our website and on social media. Feel free to download them, print 'em up, hang 'em up and pray for us often. However, because we don't make a spectacle out of our benevolence, there's never a photo-op or ceremony surrounding our gift giving.
Are there needs you won't give for?
ABSOLUTELY! The stated purpose of this benevolence fund is to give hope and support to those individuals who (despite poverty, inopportune timing and other considerations) chose to raise their child instead of abortion. That said, there are many circumstances that (although legit) we don't feel led by God to assist with (through this specific fund).
Such as:
*Business ventures or investments
*Debt relief
*Legal fees, police tickets and court ordered fines
*Any Penalties related to irresponsible actions
*Non-necessities like phones, cable TV, and internet
How do I donate to the Cairo Fund?
Just choose an option above where it says: "Help us and Donate".