About Us
Hurting over a broken paradise
Our heart beats and breaks for Grenada. The island nation is an amazing tropical paradise with a rich history. However, it's a broken paradise. The heartbreaking reality for many Grenadians is a life of generational poverty, addiction and abuse.
Shepherding the islands
Jesus was moved with compassion over the people who were lost and hurting. Unfortunately, what He saw, bears a striking resemblance to what we see here in Grenada. That's why our ministry comes alongside the broken and spiritually misled, to shepherd and journey together with them, to point them to the Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ.
When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion
for them, because they were harassed and helpless,
like sheep without a shepherd.
-Matthew 9:36

Glimpse of Ministry

Prayer and
Our ministry is founded on seeking God, knowing Him personally and allowing Him to move in ways we never would have imagined. We desire to see lives transformed through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ-- to truly experience His grace and greatness.
Teaching and
Whether it's preaching a sermon, teaching a formal lesson or just having a conversation on the side of the road... Grenada needs good teachers to shape basic beliefs into strong foundations. We're often asked to teach on theology and spiritual disciplines, church leadership and pastoral training, as well as practical life skills.
Caring And
We've found that showing God's love in practical ways can sometimes do more to help someone understand Christ than any program or event. A simple act of kindness or being a friend in time of need has often been the catalyst for someone experiencing hope and restoration. We're dedicated to simply doing what needs to be done to demonstrate the love of God to our community.
We also have a heart to reach and serve those who struggle getting acceptable care for ongoing concerns. In turn, we organize specific efforts and designate funds in order to provide proper advocacy and care for those with special needs.
There are many ways we gather and connect with the youth in our villages. However, it all starts with reaching them where they're at-- whether that be in school, church, at the beach, on the street or on the front porch.
Throughout the year we organize various after-school clubs and summer camps. They're a mix of fun and games, outreach, discipleship, and providing a safe place for a few hours a day.
Not only are we sharing the Gospel, but in turn we're shaping the future leaders of the nation. And since statistics show that most young Grenadians eventually leave the island, we also see our work as training the hearts and minds of future missionaries.

Being a
Safe Place
Unfortunately, for many Grenadians, the home is not a safe place. In all we do, we strive to offer comfort, guidance, protection and a sense of belonging. It's our desire that those we minister to find hope and healing in Christ as they open their hearts and lives to us without fear of abuse or judgement.

Island Fun Facts
Small Dot on
world maps
Grenada is only 21 miles long by 12 miles wide.
Smaller than most counties of most U.S. states!

island of spices
Grenada grows more spice (per square mile) than anywhere else in the world. Hence its nickname "The Spice Isle". The nation is a leading producer of cinnamon, nutmeg and cocoa (chocolate). The smell is in the air!
One of the least populated countries
Grenada's population of 112,000 is mainly of African descent and live mostly along the coast. There are almost three times more Grenadians living off the island than on.

Not-So-Fun Facts
ranking in Americas for most alcohol consumed
According to the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), 66% of the alcohol is liquor such as rum. In fact there are over 3 rum factories on the island alone.
ranking for extreme poverty in eastern Caribbean
According to the United Nations Development Fund (U.N.D.P.), despite a rise in tourism and employment, those living in poverty remain extremely high.
World ranking
for alcohol
According to the W.H.O., substance abuse is "epidemic" with the average Grenadian man drinking near fatal amounts of alcohol per year.

World ranking
for rape crime
According to the W.H.O., "sexual coercion begins at an early age for Caribbean children, the first sexual experience of most young girls is often forced... as is the case for over 42% of girls below the age of 12."

Percent poverty rate for our side of the island
Most families live "from day to day". In fact, many Grenadians can't provide for basic needs without the help of others sending money and supplies from overseas.
percent of the poor are youth
Varying dynamics contribute to the fact that the most vulnerable of those living in poverty are unfortunately kids.
Percent of "heads of households" never graduated
According to the U.N.D.P., although the literacy rate is reported at 96%, the functional ability to actually read and comprehend is quite low. Also, teacher qualifications remain "endemic".
Percent of college educated That lEave island
According to the United Nations, Grenada has the second highest emigration rate in the region. A two-minute conversation with any kid reveals the common desire, of every Grenadian child, to one day leave the island.
A Word
On Statistics
The world is ever changing, and as it does statistics and numbers and rankings will rise and fall and come and go. But the people those numbers represented still remain affected by those experiences.

We've set up a special fund specifically to give hope and support to those women who (despite poverty, inopportune timing and other considerations) chose to raise their child instead of abortion.
Please click to learn more, and pray whether God is leading you to support this much needed ministry.
Help us support those in need in a special way.